ADOS-2 Training Information and Qualification Requirements

What is the ADOS-2?

The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2; Lord et al., 2012) is published by Western Psychological Services (WPS). It is a semi-structured, standardized assessment instrument that includes several play-based activities designed to obtain information in the areas of communication, reciprocal social interactions, and restricted and repetitive behaviors associated with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

The ADOS-2 helps practitioners to accurately assess and diagnose ASD and/or assist school teams when considering a special education eligibility of ASD. It can be used across all ages, developmental levels, and language abilities as part of a comprehensive evaluation.

The ADOS-2 provides a highly accurate picture of current symptoms, unaffected by language. It can be used to evaluate almost anyone suspected of having ASD—from 1-year-old children with no speech to adults who are verbally fluent. Additional information regarding the ADOS-2 can also be found online at WPS.

"I wanted to thank you for all of your time and effort towards organizing the ADOS-2 training last week. I was so thankful to experience such a wonderful learning experience with such a great group. I look forward to more collaboration in the near future!"

2022 ADOS-2 Attendee

Who can administer the ADOS-2?

Anyone with a master’s degree (MA, MS, MSW, CAGS) in psychology, school counseling, occupational therapy, speech-language pathology, social work, education, special education, or a related field can administer the ADOS-2 if properly trained.

The course will provide a detailed training for professionals who plan to use the ADOS-2 in clinical or school settings.

Who is eligible to participate?

Qualified participants will be licensed professionals actively working with the autism population in Delaware. The training is designed for professionals who have background in autism and formal testing experience. Qualified participants will be individuals working in diagnostic settings or as part of a school-based evaluation team (e.g., school psychologists).

How do I request ADOS-2 training with the DNEA?

If you meet all the criteria and are interested in future ADOS-2 training opportunities, please provide us with your information using the link below.


The DNEA is proud to have trained individuals at the following agencies:

AI DuPont Hospital / Swank Autism Center
Appoquinimink Preschool Center
Autism Delaware
Boost Learning (Special Ed Staffing)
Caesar Rodney School District – Countywide Programming
Capital School District
Christiana Care
Christina School District
Clayton Intermediate School
Colonial School District
Delaware Division of Disability Services (DDDS)
Delaware Network for Excellence in Autism
Delaware school district employee or contractor
Division of Prevention and Behavioral Health (PBH)
Effective School Solutions
Indian River School District
Las Americas Aspira Academy
Milford School District
Mot Charter School
Nemours Children’s Hospital
Polytech High School
Seaford School District
Smyrna School District
University of Delaware Center for Disabilities Studies
University of Delaware Spectrum Scholars
Woodbridge School District

This list is not an endorsement for anyone. The DNEA can not guarantee that the individuals trained are still working for these organizations. Additionally, not all staff have been trained.