Understanding Autism & Classroom Strategies

9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Understanding Autism & Classroom Strategies
Center for Disabilities Studies
461 Wyoming Rd
Newark, DE 19716

This training will provide an overview of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and the basics of evidence-based practices: prompting, reinforcement, and visual supports. Learners will understand the steps in implementing these practices and the effects it has for students with ASD. Training will include didactic sessions, interactive activities, and case studies. This training will be geared toward people working in the school setting.

Registration will begin at 8:30am, with the training starting promptly at 9:00am. Participants will be given a 1 hour lunch break. Lunch will not be provided. Participants will be issued certificates of attendance upon completion of the training.

Register using this link: https://fall2019autismandclassroomstrats.eventbrite.com


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More information about Understanding Autism & Classroom Strategies