Early Childhood

Learn The Signs. Act Early.  Supporting Family-led Developmental Monitoring Training

New legislation (HB202) requires that all childcare centers engage in developmental screening using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ). The LTSAE training, Supporting Family-Led Developmental Monitoring, will help prepare you for this initiative. 

This training will:

  • introduce participants to the importance of developmental monitoring;
  • provide an overview of the state’s developmental screener – the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ);
  • explain the state’s process for referring children to early intervention services; and
  • describe the types of early intervention services available to different ages of children. 

The DNEA provides this free, 1 hour training virtually.

Which training option is best for you?

Register for one of our free statewide trainings!

Request a training for your school or center

Coming Soon! Asynchronous Virtual Training



Order Free CDC “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” Materials

The DNEA has a library of CDC “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials to support families in monitoring their children’s development. These free materials are available for families and Delaware organizations that serve families with young children.


  1. CDC Milestone Moments, Family Bundle
  2. CDC Milestone Moments, Classroom Bundle
  3. CDC Milestone Moments, Childcare Center Bundle




Understanding Autism and Strategies for Childcare Providers

This training is designed to support early childhood providers in gaining an understanding of autism spectrum disorder and how it impacts children differently. In addition, the training provides participants with strategies to support young children with autism in a childcare setting.
Participants will:
  • review the core characteristics of autism;
  • learn how to understand challenging behaviors;
  • review strategies that can be used to support ALL children in an early childhood setting; and
  • discuss autism evaluations in Delaware.
The DNEA provides this free, 2 hour training virtually.

If you do not have an account with DIEEC or do not wish to receive continuing education credits, please review our statewide training calendar for upcoming opportunities and register via Eventbrite.

If you would like to receive STARS continuing education credits through DIEEC, please go to the DIEEC training calendar and search for the training title.


Individual Provider Trainings

The DNEA also offers both of the above trainings on an individual basis. If you would like to discuss the possibility of us coming to provide one of these trainings for your organization, please reach out and let us know!

Click here to contact us about training opportunities.


DNEA Early Childhood Resource Guides for Autism