Learn the Signs. Act Early is a program from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and aims to improve early identification of children with autism and other developmental disabilities so children and families can get the services and supports they need. Families can learn about developmental milestones, understand how to address concerns with their provider, and use free resources to support their child such as a milestone tracking app or easy to use developmental checklists. Resources are also available for healthcare providers and early childhood educators through “Learn the Signs. Act Early”. You can contact Sarah Mallory at smallory@udel.edu to learn more.
Parent Information Center (PIC) of Delaware is committed to improving outcomes for children by providing information and support around educational and related services to parents of children with disabilities, from birth to 26-years. PIC offers trainings and workshops, one-on-one assistance, and other resources to empower families to become advocates for their child and family.
The Arc of Delaware is a chapter of national organization that promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Arc celebrates diversity and self-determination and actively supports full inclusion and participation in the community. The Arc provides housing, employment, outreach, and social and recreational programs to individuals with disabilities and their families in addition to advocating for public policy change in Delaware.
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Services (DDDS) provides community-based services including residential supports such as support living and respite, family services, day habilitation, and pre-vocational, vocational and supported employment. DDDS also offers case management, therapy, nursing and other professional supports to ensure individuals with ASD and their families are able to lead full and productive lives.